Announcement for Construction Quality Compliance Mechanism Framework Print

The Bhutan Construction and Transport Authority (BCTA) will be conducting a 1-Day capacity development of Government Agencies and Construction Professionals to comply with the Construction Compliance Mechanism (CQCM) Framework on the following dates: 

SI. No.


Training duration & Months





3rd June 2024

9:00AM - 5:00PM

Will be intimated to the participants.



5th June 2024

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Samdrup Jongkhar

7th June 2024

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Phuentsholing, Chukha

10th June 2024

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12th June 2024

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14th June 2024

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17th June 2024

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18th June 2024

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Important information:

1.      Registration will be open from 17th - 26th May 2024. It will be done on a first-come-first-serve basis.

2.      Registration will have to be done through this link:

3.     Eligibility of the participants:

·         Has completed a minimum of a Bachelor's degree or has a Diploma in an engineering field.

·         Has experience in the construction industry.


Please find the course details in Annexure-1. For further clarification, please contact 02-335019 during office hours or email




Annexure-1 Course Details 

Course Title

Capacity Building for the Procuring Agents and Contractors to Comply with the Construction Quality Compliance Mechanism (CQCM).


1 day

Target audience and needs

Up to 20-30 procurement agents and contractors who will need to comply with CQCM framework during the implementation of projects.

Course description

This course provides an overview of certain aspects of the CQCM Framework as they relate to procurement and regulatory processes and uses concrete examples to guide participants thinking about how they can use the Framework to support the quality of their own work. It focuses on the advantages for the participants in using the Framework and how the Framework can make their roles more effective and can increase accountability and quality throughout their implementation of construction projects.

Course Aim

Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the scope and purpose of the CQCM framework, their obligations for compliance, and the key principles and processes to apply.

Course Objectives

By the end of the training, participants will be able to:

·         Explain why quality in construction is an important aspect of national development plans

·         Explain the structure and contents of the CQCM Framework as it relates to their own work

·         Discuss the relevance of procurement standards as outlined in the CQCM Framework

·         List actions they will take to implement the relevant aspects of the CQCM Framework