Vision and Mission


- To be a professional organization in saving lives and enhancing livelihoods through Safe, reliable, resilient and efficient construction and surface transport sector in the country


- Promotion and enhancement of safety, reliability and efficiency of surface transport system in the country through enhanced professionalism and accountability;

- Development and promotion of safe, efficient and resilient construction sector through effective regulation and, enhanced professionalism and accountability 


Broad Mandates of the Bhutan Construction and Transport Authority

- Develop, review and update rules and regulations on matters concerning safety and public services of construction and surface transport sector;

Regulate and enforce safety and professional standards in the construction and surface transport sector;

 Adopt guidelines and standard operating procedures relating to the safety of construction and surface transport sector;

Regulation and safety management of public transportation system in the country;

Improvement of  service delivery and institutional coordination by strengthening institutional mechanisms;

Undertake compliance auditing for safety and quality of construction and surface transport sector including spatial planning;

Review and propose fees, charges and fares as may be necessary for services provided by the Authority or other service providers;

Develop specifications, safety and professional standards for construction and surface transport sector;

Undertake research and development in  construction and surface transport sector