Pre-trip Inspection

Pre Trip Safety Inspection

The pre trip safety check is a basic check on a vehicle to ensure that safety related components have not worn or deteriorated to the extent that the vehicle is unsafe for normal use.

Safety related components include:

  • Wheels and tyres.
  • Steering, suspension and braking systems.
  • Seats and seat belts
  • lamps and reflectors
  • Windscreen and windows including front windscreen wipers and washers.
  • The structure of the vehicle itself
  • Other safety related items on the body, chassis or engine.

How to Avoid getting a Traffic Infringment Notice (TIN):

  • Always carry your valid Driving License, Registration Certificate(Green,white and red book) ,Motor vehicle Road Worthiness Certificate (Fitness card),Emission Certificate and Insurance papers whenever you drive.
  • Wear the seat belt and drive within the speed limit.
  • Follow the traffic sign boards (Like do not enter through the ?No Entry?).
  • Always stop and produce the documents when stopped by Traffic and RSTA Inspectors.
  • Do not use Mobile phones while driving.

Note: If at all you get the TIN,pay the penalties to the nearest RTSA office within Seven days